featuring Katie Clymer (acrylic ink) and Donovan Palmquist (ceramics).
Join us for the October First Friday feature exhibit featuring two artists whose work is inspired by the impressions of the natural world.
Hudson native Katie Clymer has been busy creating a new body of work based on the shapes and colors of our natural surroundings. She creates her work with vibrant colors and textures that will evoke the coming fall season.
Donovan Palmquist of Farmington, MN will share his beautiful wood & soda fired functional ceramics with us. The textures, glazes and forms he creates are heavily influenced by his natural surroundings and the imprint created by his firing process.
Join us on Friday, October 7th from 5pm to 8pm for artful conversation, live music, and refreshments.
The exhibit will remain on view until October 30th.